Friday, April 6, 2012

Epileptic Seizure that started as Atonic/Absence

Epileptic Seizure that started as Atonic/Absence

This is me having an epileptic seizure. It began as an Atonic seizure, then progressed into a Complex Partial seizure. It stopped for a few seconds, then began again. I cut out the end because it progressed into a tonic clonic seizure. I am not ready to post a TC yet. Like so many others, it took me a long time to have the courage to post a video at all of any of my seizures. It took me several hours of recording to catch it as I was having an aura all day. This one is was mild for me. My Neurologist tried to tell me that only kids have absence, myoclonic, atonic seizures until he saw them on a video eeg. I always know when I am going to have a TC because I get clusters of Atonic seizures and I shake all over right before I go into the TC. I am on Keppra, Lamictal, and Dilantin. I also take Metroporol for V- tachycardia episodes in which my hr sustains average 182 for long periods of time. The heart meds help, but the seizure meds have yet to control smaller seizure types. I! hope this video serves as an educational tool.