Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Alcatel OT-906y

Alcatel OT-906y
Excelent and cheapest Android 2.2 Froyo mobile ever!

Sherry Shiehæ£èScacchi -Award-winning music in Italy (from her album Rhythm & Bach)

Sherry Shieh棋舞Scacchi -Award-winning music in Italy (from her album Rhythm & Bach)
About this composer: "I wrote this music in Siena, 2005, while working on film scores assigned by Bacalov (academy winning composer of Kill Bill, Il Postino). I was the only Asian in the class of Italians and a beginner to film music at the time, often not knowing what to do. People thought I was crazy to compose for this film (La Regina degli Scacchi) as it was originally scored by Bacalov himself. How dare I challenge the maestro! Well, I understood Italian so poorly that I took the one film that my colleagues avoided with all their might. After I had premiered this piece in front of a terrified and silent class, Bacalov said," Perfect. Flawless." and awarded me a prize from the Festival. My colleagues were simply jealous.寫這首曲子時,是在2005年義大利西恩那(Siena),å'Œã€Šè¿½æ®ºæ¯"爾》《郵差》奧斯卡é‡'獎作曲家巴可洛夫(Luis Bacalov)密集ç "ç¿'三週。身為å"¯ä¸€ä¸æ‡‚義大利文的å"¯ä¸€äºžæ´²äººï¼Œæˆ'更是個é…! æ¨‚菜鳥,因此很多時候都不太清楚自己該幹嘛,反正一切誤æ‰"誤æ'žï¼Œé‚„發ç"Ÿè¨±å¤šçˆ†ç¬'糗事。 很多作曲家都認為æˆ'瘋了,這部電影(中譯:棋后)是巴可洛夫曾配過的作å"ï¼Œæˆ'這台灣來的小女子,竟斗膽æŒ'戰義大利é‡'獎大師! 事實上,是æˆ'義大利文程度破到令æˆ'選一部大家都不敢配的電影而不自知。當知é"æˆ'為此電影配樂時,大家都抱è'—看好戲的心態。當天æˆ'在眾目睽睽之下,戰戰兢兢的奏完此作,結束後全班鴉雀無聲。這表示æˆ'完蛋了嗎?ç´„40ç§'後,大師蹦出兩個字: 「perfect,flawless (完美無暇)!」並破例é '發當屆電影節Emma Constabile獎給æˆ'。全班嫉å¦'死了" To purchase her Rhythm & Bach: SortParm ...

Myslovitz - Nocnym pociÄgiem aż do koÅca Åwiata

Myslovitz - Nocnym pociągiem aż do końca świata
Myslovitz 02/05/2010 Stalowa Wola

The Supremes - Baby Love

The Supremes - Baby Love